10 клас
Прошу опрацювати навчальний матеріал та виконати завдання
на період карантину (завдання доповнюються!).
Фото робіт прошу надсилати на пошту, вказану на цьому сайті
(в темі повідомлення вкажіть своє прізвище).
Дякую за співпрацю.
1. Пропоную відвідати відомі музеї з віртуальними турами ->
(click here) -> British Museum, London
British Museum is a public institution dedicated to human history art and culture. It documents the story of human culture from its beginnings to the present. It was the first public national museum in the world. The British Museum was established in 1753, largely based on the collections of the Irish physician and scientist Sir Hans Sloane. It first opened to the public in 1759. The museum preserves its universality in its collections of artefacts representing the cultures of the world, ancient and modern. The original 1753 collection has grown to over 13 million objects at the British Museum, 70 million at the Natural History Museum and 150 million at the British Library.
(click here)-> The Natural History Museum, London
(click here) -> The National Gallery, London
2. Do ex.5, p.176 - read the information about the National Gallery in London and then watch
the video about (click here)-> National Gallery and choose the right variant